MODULE 2 Regulatory Standards for Particulate Matter
Consequences of Non-attainment
Consequences for a region or air basin not showing progress toward achieving attainment might include; state- or district-imposed limitations such as strict indoor fireplace and wood stove burn bans on poor air quality days, suspending residential open burning for greater periods of time, increased penalties for illegal burning, or the development of stricter rules and regulations. Homes in which wood burning is the primary source of heat are typically exempt from burn bans.
What is being done to reduce PM10 pollution?
Air quality districts are required to develop programmatic strategies and regulations to achieve needed emission reductions required by state and federal statutes or mandates. Data from the ambient monitoring network are used to indicate the success of the strategies and regulations, in terms of the rate of progress towards attaining the standards. Air quality districts have air quality plans to bring PM concentrations down to healthful levels. Plans include:
- Dust control for roads, construction, and landfills.
- Programs to reduce emissions from open burning, wood stoves and fireplaces.
- Cleaner-burning gasoline and diesel fuels.
- Emissions control devices for motor vehicles.
- Controls for industrial facilities.
This completes the Regulatory Standards for Particulate Matter module.
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